Getting Started with the SafeZone App

Available on the Apple and Google Play App stores

Get the Android AppGet the iPhone App

How to install SafeZone

Installing the app and getting started

  1. Go to the app store on your phone, then search for SafeZone by CriticalArc
  2. After downloading, enter the email address for your organization  (not your personal one!
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to sign up (you may be directed to your organization’s single sign in page)
  4. Accept the terms and conditions
  5. Accept the relevant permissions
Post it note with "Don't Forget" written on it


  • SafeZone will ONLY share your location when you Check-in or raise an alert
  • When checking-in the first time, you will be asked to allow the app access all the time – This is just so it keeps running when minimized and the above point still applies.
  • To run SafeZone you need to be on Android version 6+ or iOS 12.2
  • The Motion and Activity detection permission is to help with battery saving (reducing the location checks when stationary)
  • Go to the “Any Questions” page for more information